Centipede Brown Patch

Brown Patch Lawn Disease. Hello, We have a fungus really bad in our lawn and our lawn service is not handling it very well. What do you recommend us using to effectively treat this I really believe that the lawn service company brought it to my lawn. Article/UploadFiles/201608/2016081515164005.jpg' alt='Centipede Brown Patch' title='Centipede Brown Patch' />I have been treating my own lawn for over 2. The first time I signed up with a service company and the first time they came out I got this fungus. The owner of this service company told me he had several yards he had been treating for fungus. So I believe he used the same spreader in my yard after treating one of those mentioned yards. He misdiagnosed my problem to be mole crickets and would not listen to me when I kept telling him that it was a fungus and spreading rapidly. Sharing the poem with your friends can lead to a lot of questions. One I hear often is Why is Brown capitalized. The short answer is. Because Forrest wants. Maintenance Centipede grass has probably the lowest maintenance of the warm season grasses. Its popularity stems from the tenacity to grow on poor, sandy soils to. He finally came and treated but the circles grew to 3. So I would really like to have something on hand myself to treat in case it comes back. I now have two very large spots that have treated by this company and I have plugged in these large areas to speed up the repair. What can I purchase to keep on hand in case it comes againBrown Patch Large Brown Patch. Rhizoctania solani. Brown Patch, which is also known as large patch, is a common soilborne fungus that attacks a variety of plants. Lawn fertilizer is manufactured by many companies. Each manufacturer uses a slightly different blend of plant nutrient chemicals to arrive at a final product. Centipede Brown Patch' title='Centipede Brown Patch' />My grass is Floritan St. Augustine. I live in Palm Coast, Florida,Also, I have to water regularly now to keep the plugs I planted alive. Schaller Floyd Rose Intonation Tool. This home is our second home and we are not there but on weekends. So I had to set my sprinkler to run every other day so that the plugs wont die. Now I am concerned this may be too much water, but what do I do Thank you sincerely for you help. Jennie Bingol a Navy distressed spouse. CHnSKZcrQxg/T33Y5K13lVI/AAAAAAAAFVQ/u3Y4b6dT2GU/s640/brown+patch+on+lawns.jpg' alt='Centipede Brown Patch' title='Centipede Brown Patch' />Centipede Brown PatchCentipede Brown PatchWasted money on unreliable and slow multihosters LinkSnappy is the only multihost that works.