Leveling Program Surveying

Dictionary Survey, Boundary, Mapping, Mining Elliott Surveying. A Survey, Mining, Mapping Terms and Definitions Elliott Surveying New Mexico 5. ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT LEGAL Non use does not constitute abandonment, so the acts claimed to constitute abandonment must be decisive and conclusive to indicate a clear intent to abandon. ABSTRACT. OF TITLE SURVEY  A condensed history of the title to land, consisting of a synopsis. ABUT. SURVEY To reach to touch. In old law, the ends were said to abut, the sides to. The term abutting implies a closer proximity than the term. F183%2F1832ec77-0135-4450-b886-e4bcab6ddbef%2Fimage' alt='Leveling Program Surveying' title='Leveling Program Surveying' />ACCESS. SURVEY The right to enter and leave over the lands of another. ACCRETION. SURVEY  It is the gradual and imperceptible addition of soil or other material by the. ACCURACY SURVEY Accuracy. The degree of perfection obtained in measurements. Leveling Program Surveying' title='Leveling Program Surveying' />Where Thousands of Professional Land Surveyors, Students of Surveying and Educators are United through Collaborative Knowledge and Purpose. ACCURACY RATIO SURVEY The ratio of error of closure to the distance measured for one or a series of measurements. ACEQUIA. SURVEY A ditch through which water, diverted from its natural course, is conducted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. SURVEY  In regard to a legal instrument or document, formal declaration before an authorized. Notary Public, by the person who executed the instrument. ACQUIESCENCE. SURVEY Some act of concurrence by the adjoining owners bearing on the practical. ACRE SURVEY A unit of area measurement. An acre equals 1. ACRE FOOT WATER RIGHTS Volume of water required to cover 1 acre of land 4. ACTUAL CASH VALUE  FEMA NFIP The replacement cost for a building, minus a depreciation percentage based on age and condition. ADD TAPE SURVEY  A survey tape on which minor graduations are placed ahead of the zero point. ADIT MINE  a  horizontal  entry  into  a  mine  with  one  opening  to  the  surface,  commonly  and erroneously  called  a tunnel. Download Rich Copy For Windows 2008 R2'>Download Rich Copy For Windows 2008 R2. ADJACENT. SURVEY Lying near or close to sometimes contiguous neighboring. The term. adjacent implies that the two objects or parcels of land are not widely. ADJOINER. SURVEY An owner of land which touches the land of another, his name being given in. Welcome to Fanshawe College the number one choice for thousands of students each year. The History of Tidal Measurements in Canada. The history of tidal, current and water level surveying in Canada for navigational applications has always had a close. BECivil Bachelorprogram in Civil Engineering Distance Education. Civil engineering is the oldest of all engineering discipline which deals with infrastructure. ADJOINING. SURVEY Touching or contiguous, as distinguished from lying near to or adjacent. ADJUDICATION. SURVEY The pronouncing of a judgment or decree in a cause also the judgment given. ADJUSTMENT OF DATA SURVEY A process used to remove inconsistencies in measured data. It provides a method to compensate for random errors which occur in all measurements. ADJUSTMENT OF INSTRUMENTS SURVEY The method of bringing the principle lines of an instrument into their true designed geometric relationships. ADVERSE. POSSESSION SURVEY The possession of land, under such circumstances as indicate that. To be adverse,. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH MAPPING A photograph of a part of the earths surface taken by an aircraft supported camera. AFFIDAVIT. SURVEY A written or printed declaration or statement of facts made voluntarily, and. AGREEMENT. LINE SURVEY A concurrence between. The effect on. the location is subject to judicial review. ALIAS GIS and CAD An additional name for a field. ALIDADE SURVEY That part of a transit or theodolite that contains the telescope and plate levels. ALIENATION SURVEY A legal term applied to the process of transfer of title, or a legal conveyance. ALINEMENT SURVEY  In railway or highway surveying The ground plan, showing the alinement or. ALIQUOT. PLSS Contained an exact number of times in another a part of a measurement that. ALIQUOT. PARTS PLSS Legal subdivisions, except fractional lots, or further subdivision of. ALIUNDE. SURVEY From another source. Evidence aliunde is evidence from outside or from. ALLUVION. alluvium LEGAL The soil that is deposited along a river or the sea by gradual and. ALMANAC GPS A data file containing a summary of GPS satellite orbits. Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Maps Download. ALTAACSM Survey is a form of a Boundary Survey. ADMENDMENT FEMA NFIP A change to a FEMA floodplain map that removes an area that was inadvertently included in the Special Flood Hazard Area. ANALYTICAL AEROTRIANGULATION MAPPING  A process of interior and absolute orientation of aerial photographs obtained by computational methods from plate coordinates and mathematical analysis. ANGLE. POINT SURVEY A point in a survey where the alinement or boundary deflects from a. ANTENNA GPS A resonant device that collects and amplifies a satellites signals. ANTISPOOFING AS GPS The encryption of the P code to render spoofing ineffective. APEX. MINE In mining, the outcrop of a vein or the highest portion of a fold in a vein. APPARENT HORIZON SURVEY The visible junction of earth and sky viewed from a specific point. APPROPRIATION WATER RIGHTS The right to take water from a natural stream or aquifer for beneficial use at a specified rate of flow, either for immediate use or to store for later use. Usually confirmed by a water court decree. See also Prior Appropriation, Riparian Rights and Water Right. APPROVED. MINERAL SURVEY MINE The approval of a mineral survey at the State level is final. No Washington Office acceptance is required as in the case of public land. APPURTENANCE. SURVEY Anything so annexed to the land or used with it that it will pass with the. APPURTENANT EASEMENT SURVEY If the easement was. Appurtenant easements run with the land and are a part of a. AQUIFER WATER RIGHTS A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY SURVEY Is a specific survey in conjunction with archaeologists to search for archaeological sites or to collect measurements about the location, distribution and organization of an existing site. ARBITRATOR. SURVEY A private, disinterested person chosen by the parties to a disputed question. The parties to the dispute submit themselves to the arbitrators decision. AS BUILTS SURVEY Measurements and drawings made after a construction project is complete. They provide the actual positions and features of the project. Vb.Net Encrypt App.Config File. ASSAY MINE  a test  to determine  the  quantity  of  mineral  in  a given  sample. ASSUMED ELEVATION SURVEY An arbitrary value assigned to a bench mark to which other work is referenced. ASTRONOMIC. Of or pertaining to astronomy. ASTRONOMIC. AZIMUTH SURVEY Astronomic azimuth is the terrestrial azimuth which results directly. It is affected by the local deflection. United States, produces differences. ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION SURVEY The bending of the path of light rays as they pass through air of varying density. ATOMIC CLOCK GPS A clock regulated by the resonance frequency of atoms or molecules. Within GPS satellites the elements used include cesium, hydrogen and rubidium. ATTEST. LEGAL  To affirm to be true or genuine. ATTRIBUTE GIS,CAD A characteristic of a map feature. AUTOMATIC LEVEL SURVEY  A leveling instrument in which the line of sight is automatically maintained horizontal by means of a built in compensator acting through the force of gravity. AUXILIARY. GUIDE MERIDIAN PLSS Where guide meridians have been placed at. AUXILIARY. MEANDER CORNER PLSS An auxiliary meander corner is established at a suitable point. A line is run connecting the monument to a. AVAILABILITY GPS The period of time when positioning from a particular satellite pattern is likely to be successful.