Ps Vita Tube Er

DX Radio Full archive. Sunday 2. 6 December 2. SW Continuing monitoring of top end of 4. UZB The Voice Asia pips at 0. OM presenter weak MH. Sony is to stop support for Maps, YouTube and elements of Near in the coming PS Vita updates. All of the features in Maps, and some of the features found. Spesso chi vive un lutto si chiede se sia normale stare male a lungo. A volte la morte di una persona cara devastante, e ritrovare lamore per la vita pare. Terremoto. Terremoto scossa magnitudo 4 vicino Amatrice, epicentro a 3 kmTerremoto oggi Lazio 4 dicembre 2017, scossa M 4. Amatrice. Free online pharmacy compare service for consumers with many brand and generic discount drugs from USA, canadian, mexican, indian and international online pharmacy. For Wild Arms on the PlayStation, FAQWalkthrough by Tricky. NED unid Dutch music weak MH. G Laser Hot Hits music good MH. MH. 1. 0 2. 0 6. Ps Vita Tube ErNED Top Radio ID, email, Jingle Bells, Silent Night weak MH. NED Marconi R Brown Eyed Girl, Walking in the Rain fair MH. Marconi Radio signoff 1. GMT on 6. 30. 5 k. Hz. 1. 0 2. 7 6. MH. Perfect weak MH. NED Free R Victoria Christ the Saviour is born, John Lennon good MH. Free Radio Victoria at 1. Hz. 1. 0 4. 6 6. NED R Trans Universe U2, Never Ending Story, Kayleigh 1. MH. R Trans Universe end of transmission on 6. Hz. 1. 1 3. 1 6. NED Magic AM pop drifting to 6. MH. 1. 1 4. 6 6. NED R Border Hunter Im a rocker, Coldplay, Dire Straits fair MH. R Border Hunter at 1. Hz. 1. 3 5. 4 6. NED R Brigitte PO Box 2. MH. 1. 4 0. 0 6. NED R Caroline Intl music, Caroline jingles weak MH. IRL Premier R Intl recording of morning programme fair MH. Premier Radio 1. 50. GMT on 6. 32. 5 k. Hz. Saturday 2. 5 December 2. SW Various stations noted on 4. Patch For Windows 7 32 Bit. UZB The Voice Asia son, YL and music fair MH. G Laser Hot Hits pop music good MH. R Mistletoe listener letters, pop music til 0. MH. 0. 9 3. 0 6. R Geronimo German show, pop fair MH. Ps Vita Tube Er' title='Ps Vita Tube Er' />Ps Vita Tube ErGeronimo later on talking about e. QSLs. 0. 9 3. 3 6. MH. 0. 9 3. 5 6. NED Crazy Wave R goodbyes, Final Countdown, Muppets fair MH. Antonio R music weak MH. NED R North Pole music, Slade, off at 1. MH. R North Pole closedown at 1. Delta R music, off at 0. MH. 0. 9 3. 7 6. R Sonic Frosty the Snowman weak MH. R Mistletoe repeat of show just finished on 6. MH. 1. 0 2. 8 6. Top Radio music weak MH. MH. 1. 0 3. 5 6. NED Magic AM music, email address good MH. Magic AM on 6. 27. Hz. initially slightly off tune. Dire Straits Walk of Life fair MH. MH. 1. 1 4. 5 6. Bee Gees Tragedy weak MH. TWN Sound of Hope Tanshui OMYL talk, music fair MH. Friday 2. 4 December 2. SW The Voice Asia signed on at midnight with seemingly poor audio on a strong carrier, but came good a minute or so later. Female presenter in Hindi Treesa Bhatti but an English OM at 0. The Voice Asia. Again nothing noted on 6. Hz all evening. 0. UZB The Voice Asia son, YL and music, English text number fair MH. The Voice Asia ID, jingle and text number in English. TWN Sound of Hope Tanshui OMYL seeming like two statons on chan fair MH. Thursday 2. 3 December 2. SW Pink Panther slightly stronger than yesterday. Three other Dutch stations heard briefly. Conditions to Far East much subdued compared to previous days. Nothing noted on 6. Hz all evening. 0. NED Pink Panther Radio mix of music, IDs, email address weak MH. Three segments of Pink Panther Radio 0. GMT 6. 32. 5 k. Hz. NED R Baken 1. 6 Billie Jean, no ID fair MH. NED R Sallandse Boer music, Dutch DJ weak MH. NED unid station music v wk MH. Wednesday 2. 2 December 2. SW Two Dutch pirates noted on 4. The SADR station again very good on 6. Hz all evening. 1. NED Skywire R Dire Straits, ID, off at 1. MH. 1. 2 0. 5 6. NED Pink Panther Radio mix of music, few IDs in QSB v wk MH. Pink Panther Radio 1. GMT 6. 32. 5 k. Hz. NR of SADR Arabic talk and music. YL, OM IDs in Arabic. SADR top of hour IDs. OM ID in Spanish. Belgium. 2. 3. 2. Spanish prgm and sign off good MH. SADR end of Spanish programme. KRE Pyongyang BS classical music, OM in Korean weak MH. TWN WYFR via Bau. Jong music, YL in Chinese until 0. MH. Tuesday 2. 1 December 2. SW The Voice Asia CVC International again from Tashkent on 6. Hz, with Hindi programme. Also WYFR via Taiwan with English 1. MDA DW via Kishinev YL with news, weather in German good MH. UZB The Voice Asia music, OM with addresses, phone nos poor MH. TWN WYFR via Baujong YL in Chinese, Int Sig, ID, Chinese poor MH. Int Sig, ID in Chinese. TWN WYFR via Tanshui OM in English, Bible Study, mx to 1. MH. end of English hour, familyradio ID, carol and Int Sig. NR of SADR. ID in Arabic by YL and OM. Spanish incl Eagles. MH. SADR 2. 30. 0 2. IDs and music. 2. UZB Voice Asia Tashkent. OM in English Youre tuned to 6. Hz. 4. 9 metreband. MH. CVC from 2. 3 5. Air Gear Episode 26 English Dub Download. Monday 2. 0 December 2. Memories Atlantic 2. September 1. 98. 9 recorded using the Drake R7. A in sync AM with a very wide filter. SW The Voice Asia CVC International from Tashkent on 6. Hz, with English ID at 1. Hindi programme. 1. UZB The Voice Asia music, OM YL talk poor MH. NR of SADR local music fair MH. KRE V of Korea OM in Russian fair MH. IND AIR Gen Overseas Svce. Hz tuning tone. Interval Signal. OM ID and freqs. 1. Africa 9. 44. 5 7. W Europe 7. 55. 0 6. Programme Summary to 1. Devotional Music good MH. MDA R PMR Pridnestrovye. Govorit. stalitsa Pridnestrovye. Moldavska Respubliciy. MH. R PMR pips and Russian ID at 1. EGY R Cairo pips starting at 1. MH. OM Um den funf. Uhr in Kairo. Hier ist Radio Kairo. Ohio Department Of Licensing And Regulatory Affairs there. Deutschesprache. V weak modulation on strong carrier. R Cairo pips and German ID. AFS RTE via Meyerton Book reviews fair MH. TWN WYFR via Bau. Jong OMYL, ID, Thine be the Glory, until 2. MH. Sunday 1. 9 December 2. Memories European Music Radio programmes from 2. August 1. 97. 8. Saturday 8 November 2. MW Finally got an ID from Celtic Music Radio on 1. Hz, with their ID at 4. Pulse were carrying news. Ive been trying to get a positive ID from them for the past 6 months at least. G Celtic Music Radio Song, theme ID with website poor MH. Celtic Music Radio top of the hour IDSaturday 4 October 2. MW Hot Country CIMR is coming in very well this evening on their weekend channel of 5. Hz. Their station website is countryandirish. IRL Hot Country CIMR Country music, ads, IDs good MH. CIMR top of the hour IDSaturday 1. April 2. 00. 8MW Littoral AM is on air on 1. Hz in standard AM mode. Coming in well despite the co channel DRM from Germany. Their station website is littoralam. Radio. Numerique Bretagne. F Littoral AM, Saint Goueno songs, FrenchBretonEnglish anns fair MH. Littoral AM idents. Saturday 1. 2 April 2. MW RSL Radio Rockingham is on air on 1. Hz for the BTCC racing weekend at the Rockingham Raceway Circuit just west of Corby this weekend. Sunday 6 April 2. MW closedown CBA Moncton, the 5. W station serving New Brunswick on 1. Hz, closes its MW channel at 0. Atlantic time tomorrow morning. UTC. There will be a special short duration DX Test at around 0. Atlantic time, 0. UTC which shouldbe audible across the Atlantic. Friday 4 April 2. UK FM Touch Radio began broadcasting at 7pm 1. UTC this evening serving Warwick, Leamington and Kenilworth. Noted their RDS TOUCH while driving up the M4. A4. 3 towards Northampton. More details on the Touch Radio website. Monday 3. 1 March 2. MW RTE finally switched off their transmitter on 5. Hz and the relay on 7. Hz. aerials relocated the feeders at home, and moved the SW beaming EWE to the back garden which means its slightly further anti clockwise than previously. It picks up the Gurkha station from Sandhurst on 1. Hz very nicely, whereas the NW and NNW aerials yield L D Hospital Radio. Sunday 3. 0 March 2.